Warmer Winters for Clients

MossCreek is currently working with clients from the Great Lakes region who are moving south in search of warmer winters and easier year-round living. The clients are building in a development near Chattanooga, Tennessee in which MossCreek has already created another home as well as some of the community amenities. As the clients’ needs have changed, so have their home requirements, and MossCreek has already created a couple different versions of their “perfect home” for them to review. As part of our custom design services, clients work with MossCreek to refine initial design concepts as much as needed, MossCreek then takes the final design and creates the construction documents. Please click the image to see the Kick Off and initial designs.

MossCreek is Committed to ADA Accessibility

Even though no website is 100% ADA-Compliant, MossCreek is committed to continually working towards that goal.  We have currently reached 90% as per the IBM Equal Access Accessibility Checker and we are continuing to make our site even more accessible.