FAQ for Rustic Homes

Yes. Odds are we may know a builder in your area. If we don’t, we would be glad help you locate and interview builders.
Yes. We have designed a good number of projects internationally. The use of modern technology has made this a relatively straight forward process.
No. We cut our teeth designing log homes many years ago, but now we also design timber frame and conventional frame homes more often than log homes.
MossCreek is not an engineering firm, but we regularly use consultant engineers for our projects. Engineering needs vary greatly on residential projects, many require no engineering. Before getting started, we will be glad to determine if engineering will be required.
Yes. If you have them, it can help us understand the character of the house you are looking to build. If you don’t have pictures or magazine clippings, do not worry, we can provide imagery for us both to look through that will help us both better understand your likes and dislikes.
For Traditional Services we charge by the square foot. For Comprehensive Services we charge a percentage of the construction cost.
During the initial Design Phase, we can take as long as you need us to take until you are happy. This phase often takes about one week per thousand square feet. Following, is the Construction Document Phase where we produce the documents for construction. This phase often averages about one week per thousand square feet as well.
No. If you have the right designer, the entire process should be an enjoyable one.
Yes. Visiting your site is very important to helping us both understand the constraints and opportunities that the site imposes onto your project. Your site may have beautiful views in a certain direction, tight boundary lines, a slope in the terrain, unmovable objects, a unique driveway entrance, and other similar issues that give us direction for the design.
Yes. Your budget will help us understand the scale and quality of the home you want to build. If you do not have a budget in mind, we can help you understand the cost of various styles of homes so that can feel comfortable with the possible cost of your project.
No. Two of us have have degrees from the University of Tennessee College of Architecture, but in order to facilitate our multi-state practice, we decided to forego individual state licensing. Residential design is not a typical practice of an architect or part of an architect’s exam.
By the very nature of our business, we work all over the world. As a result we are well prepared to design a home at any location. Our use of modern technology allows us to provide better service than most local designers.
There are many good suppliers and we will be glad to help your builder resource the materials he needs for your project.
Send us and email or give us a call, and we can begin discussing your new project to determine what type are services best fit your needs.